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Somewhere Between Heaven And Earth Is Your Backyard Paradise...

Mowing FAQs


You already know most of us here at AMJ Lawn and Landscape, Inc. started as kids mowing lawns. What you might not know is the science behind properly mowing and maintaining a turfgrass yard.  After all, turfgrass is a living, breathing thing.

Scheduling  - We expect 24 weeks of mowing in a typical season and automatically adjust the schedule based on the weather. We use a state-of-the-art routing system to ensure the most efficient scheduling. If you have a special event planned, let us know in advance so we can plug that into our service routing system.

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Mowing FAQs, Annapolis, MD

Machinery - AMJ has the latest terrain-following suspensions and the most fuel-efficient four-stroke motors on our machines. We can cut from 20”-62” widths.

Blades – the sharpest blades in town. We have one crew member who comes early every day and changes the blades and performs necessary maintenance on all machines. It reduces downtime and gives a perfect cut every time. Torn or shredded blades of grass promote disease, fungus and always turn brown. No one wants a brown lawn.

Mowing Height – 3 ½ inches is the recommendation from every turf grower we’ve ever met. The rule is to cut no more than 1/3 of the grass blade at a time, avoiding the tender stem structure.

Mulching – Everything above the stem is 85-90% water and we recycle that by mulching—see sharp blades.

Pattern – Changing the mowing pattern every week doesn’t promote plant growth in only one direction which leads to lawns laying down and blocking the roots from getting sunlight and water. And you thought it just looked cool with the lines across the yard!

Weeds – Mowing height can affect the invasion of weeds. A thick or dense turf that is mowed at the higher portion of the recommended range discourages most weeds because the seeds that blow in the wind never germinate.

The best weed control is to do the things (i.e. proper mowing, fertilization, irrigation, pest control, etc.) necessary to ensure a thick and healthy turf area. Read on for more information!

Early morning mowing? - Why are you out so early? We have a lot of lawns to get to, somewhere north of 200 acres, each week. Our mowers can cruise at 12 mph in dry conditions but we slow down early in the morning so the mulching is effective and we don’t leave clumps. Plus it gives the newly cut grass blades a chance to heal over before the mid-day sun scorches them.

Tire tracks – Today’s large-volume of mowers are heavy and the tires are pretty wide. Going more slowly and changing the pattern direction each week will allow the grass to pop back up.

Timing - We try to provide services on the same day each week whenever possible. However, Mother Nature often has other plans. If it rained hard early yesterday we have to wait another day because it’s usually still too wet and soft to mow today. In that case we will automatically push the schedule, you don't have to call or worry about being passed over. AMJ will mow on the next best day possible for the conditions. NOTE: If you have an event planned and to mow on a specific day, please let us know 2 weeks in advance.

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